sunday school

Our Sunday School Children begin Worship with their families at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. After the Children’s message they accompany their teachers to Sunday School. The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday and children are invited to remain in worship and celebrate this Sacrament together with their families. Sunday School is not held on communion Sundays. 

Infant and toddler care is available every Sunday during worship in a safe environment with developmentally appropriate activities and toys. This is service is available at 9:45 a.m. so parents can help their children feel comfortable and then be able to leave them in time for worship. Contact Dorine DeCarli for more information






























Youth Group

Grades 5th thru 12th

Our youth group is for grades 5 through 12 and meets on Sundays from 4:00 – 5:30 pm.
Youth learn, have fun and experience making a difference in the world by working together on community and church service projects.

Bible study

Bible Study is now on ZOOM!
(Don’t worry if you never used Zoom. It’s easy!)
Two Different Times – Every Wednesday
Mornings – 11:30 am until 12:45 pm
Evenings – 6:30 pm until 7:45 pm

While our in person classes are temporarily on hold, we will still be doing Bible Study online via Zoom Video and Audio Conferencing. Once this pandemic passes we will resume in person classes, but we plan to keep Zoom going… so more people can join us. This allows people who are home bound, not feeling well, lack transportation or who are unable to physically come in for any reason, participate.

​Please reach-out with any questions you have by emailing and we will make sure to coach you through any and all of this.

Join the 11:30am Study

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 7266 5177
Passcode: 564354

One tap mobile

Dial by your location
+1929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 848 7266 5177
Passcode: 564354

Join the 6:30pm Study

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID899 0613 0274
Passcode: 182841

One tap mobile

Dial by your location
+929 436 2866 
Meeting ID: 899 0613 0274
Passcode: 182841

Our Mission

Responding to God’s Call, our mission as The First Congregational Church in Bloomfield, United Church of Christ, is to go out into the world proclaiming God’s love for all creation, working for justice, bringing Christ’s peace and growing in love and faith through service to others. We are a safe and sacred community that welcomes all people and supports each individual journey of faith. 

Sacred Conversations
to End Racism


What are we supposed to do in times like these? Times when the ugliness of injustice, fear and hate make their presence so obvious that it is impossible to ignore anymore. What are we supposed to do as people of faith?

We knew that our Sacred Conversations to end Racism were important. However, few of us could know where we would be right now – in the midst of social upheaval. In the middle of a time when the bright lights of justice are pulling away the false facades from our society and laying bare the hard truths that have always been there but have not had the attention they deserve. 

We are fortunate to have these “Sacred Conversations towards Ending Racism.” Next, we will be taking what we learn and translating it from conversation and education to action and championing change. We want to be on a Sacred Journey to END Racism.

The education of ourselves, of our community and beyond, should never end. But that is NOT enough. People need to hear clearly from Communities of Faith. This is a time to stand up, take stands and take action in order to change the status quo. Action and transformation. That is where we must head. The time is now for our Community of Faith to take a more prominent role in Social Justice.

Here is the link to connect to Sacred Conversations

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 7769 3190
Passcode: 023967